Blog: Tips for maximising attendance at your event


Pick the right location and time - Ensure your venue is easily accessible, by public transport and simple to find, try to avoid busy times of the year like summer and Christmas as you’ll be competing with holidays and parties for attendees.

Exclusive Content

Promote exclusive content - Share some of the exciting topics you’ll be covering or knowledgable speakers you have at your event to entice people to attend.

When to Build Engagement

Get engagement BEFORE the event - Asking people to send in questions they’d like to ask or topics they would like to see covered gets them invested in your event and more likely to come along.


Send timely reminders - Send out at least two reminders before the event to keep it in mind for your attendees.

Wow Factor

Add a wow factor - this could be a number of things; a unique venue, free entry to something that’s usually paid for, a famous speaker or providing entertainment. The more outside the box the idea the better! For virtual events you could send out a wine tasting kit or escape room materials for people to use at your event.

Need support?

For help with increasing attendance at your next event send us a message or email us at

Ready to discuss an event?

Email us at or contact us on Linkedin.